Showing 101 - 125 of 197 Results
Book of the Lover and the Beloved; Translated from the Catalan of Ramón Lull with an Introdu... by Peers, E Allison 1891, Peer... ISBN: 9781149299043 List Price: $19.75
Mother of Carmel - a Portrait of St. Teresa of Jesus by Peers, E. Allison ISBN: 9781446508497 List Price: $27.45
Mother of Carmel - a Portrait of St. Teresa of Jesus by Peers, E. Allison ISBN: 9781446512241 List Price: $33.95
History of the Romantic Movement in Spain: Volume 2 by Peers, E. Allison ISBN: 9781108070058
The Origins of French Romanticism - Primary Source Edition by E. Allison 1891-1952 Peers,... ISBN: 9781289620790 List Price: $31.75
Behind That Wall: An Introduction to Some Classics of the Interior Life by E. Allison Peers ISBN: 9781494034009 List Price: $27.95
The Poems of Manuel de Cabanyes by Manuel de Cabanyes, E. Alli... ISBN: 9781494027414 List Price: $26.95
Mother of Carmel: Portrait of St.Theresa of Jesus by E. Allison Peers ISBN: 9780334010357
Dark Night of the Soul : Illustrated by Saint John of the Cross, E.... ISBN: 9781480043244 List Price: $6.99
Elizabethan Drama and Its Mad Folk; the Harness Prize Essay for 1913 by Peers E. Allison (Edgar All... ISBN: 9781313132190 List Price: $23.95
Dark Night of the Soul: Illustrated by Saint John of the Cross, E.... ISBN: 9781484858684 List Price: $7.89
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved; Translated From the Catalan of Ramón Lull With an Int... by E Allison 1891-1952 Peers ISBN: 9781298735157 List Price: $22.95
Ascent of Mount Carmel by of the Cross, Saint John, P... ISBN: 9781535136099 List Price: $39.00
The Way of Perfection by Teresa of Avila, Peers, E. ... ISBN: 9781534997950 List Price: $35.00
Origins of French Romanticism by Finch, M. B., Peers, E. All... ISBN: 9780598612564 List Price: $98.90
A Skeleton Spanish Grammar (Classic Reprint) by Peers, E. Allison, E. Allis... ISBN: 9781330259313 List Price: $9.57
Origins of French Romanticism by Peers, E. Allison 1891-1952... ISBN: 9781340215675 List Price: $26.95
Dark Night of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross, Pe... ISBN: 9781585093625 List Price: $15.95
Dark Night of the Soul by of the Cross, St. John, Pee... ISBN: 9781539004615 List Price: $4.00
Book of the Lover and the Beloved; Translated from the Catalan of Ramon Lull with an Introdu... by Peers, E. Allison 1891-1952 ISBN: 9781294697237 List Price: $19.75
Phonetic Spanish Reader; Extracts from Great Writers Selected and Transcribed - Primary Sour... by Peers, E. Allison 1891-1952 ISBN: 9781293457092 List Price: $20.75
Dark Night of the Soul by St John of the Cross, St. J... ISBN: 9781684221196 List Price: $3.99
Elizabethan Drama and Its Mad Folk; The Harness Prize Essay for 1913 by E Allison 1891-1952 Peers ISBN: 9781359737007 List Price: $24.95
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved: Translated From the Catalan of Ramón Lull With an Int... by Peers, E. Allison, E. Allis... ISBN: 9781331513285 List Price: $9.57
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